
Invocation MAY (05/02-05/29/2010)



DRPC Invocation for the month ofMay 02 - May 29, 2010© Noreen Jameson 2010As we gather each day through themonth of May, we remember thatwe who do so have witnessedgrace, healings, blessings and Miracles...in the name of our own personal Deities,and by the power of our own thoughts.Let us each individually call upon thatwhich Serves us as One.Universal Creator, join us in ourSacred Circle as we pray,as we meditateas we contemplateas we reflectand as we intercede for those who cannot.We call upon all that which is positive and Holy.We banish all that which is negative.We accept Your Grace.We accept Your Healings.We accept Your Blessings.And we claim and accept Your Miracles.At this time, may we each, in our ownfashion, speak from our hearts and pray.  Each prayer, tho individual, isa collective reflection of your children,Dear Godde, who are ONE..and so to pray......................................Amen............Blessed Be............And So it Is.............So mote it be.