
DRPC Invocation 02/07-13/2010



D.aily R.eflection & P.rayer Circle Invocation for the week of Feb 7-13, 2010 © Noreen Jameson, 2010   On the Wings of the Blessed Angels,Dearest Godde, we send our prayersof Intention for the Highest Good of All Concerned to the four corners ofour Universe, with One vibration.We ask your Divine Presence, Lord and Lady -- complete ourSacred Circle.All that is above, is here, below.All that is within, is there, without.Help those who doubt to fullyunderstand and appreciatethat every prayer, every thought,every intention is met with ananswer of Holy Guidance,inner Peace, and above all -- Love and Light.May the yoke of oppressionand poverty  be removed fromall who suffer.We see and claim a lifewithout hardship or diseasefor all... ALL inhabitantsof our Great Mother, earth.Remind us each day thatforgiveness begins withinLet us always be in appreciationand gratitude for gifts and Blessingsalready bestowed.That which we do not yet understand WILL berevealed, in Divine Timing.As we contemplate the