Foursquare Wuse District

Note His Unusual Ways of Help



Date: Sunday 17th November 2019 Speaker: Pastor Adebayo Azeez Topic: Note His Unusual ways of Help Text: 1 Cor 1:22-29 Message God tend to answer our call for help in unimaginable ways. God works in a seemingly absurd way, He brings impossible things together and make them possible. He works in mysterious ways. There are situations and circumstances where God suspended nature just for His word to take cause. As human beings any situation that comes suddenly and is not to our favour, our natural reaction is fear but as believers what we do in that situation is what matters, do you allow it to control you? Or. Do you take it to God in prayers? As individuals we should already know and be familiar to how God speaks to us. As believers we are supposed to always take steps of faith in ensuring that God's plan come to pass in our lives. As believers we should always learn to listen and obey so as not to miss what God has in store for us. Prayers Lord, help us to always trust in your ways Lord, help