Foursquare Wuse District

Refuse to be confused, Refuse to be intimidated



Date: Sunday 3rd November, 2019 Speaker: Rev. Babatunde Idowu Theme: Seeking after God's help Topic: Refuse to be confused, Refuse to be intimidated Text:2 Chronicles 20:1-5, 13-21 Message Challenges will always come at one point or the other but nothing should cause us to be confused or intimidated as children if God. When they come it should always be in our hearts as children if God that this challenge shall not overcome us. When challenges come and you are settled in your heart that you are right with God, you can boldly then wait on the lord to come through for us. The fact that you are challenged or things are not the way it should be is not the issue, the issue is that how do you deal with these things. As children of God when we are confused or intimidated, we should always talk to God who is omniscience. Do not allow circumstances and situations make you forget you have God, He will never leave nor forsake you. We should always remember that there is a God who is always working in our favour and draw