Erin Burnett Outfront

Dems call U.S. diplomats testimony "damning" and "a sea change" in the impeachment inquiry; Diplomat testifies Trump linked Ukraine aid to Biden probe as allies push Trump to accept House will likely impeach him; McConnell hits Trump for calling impeachme



U.S. diplomat testifies he was told "everything" depended on Ukraine announcing investigations that could help Trump; Top diplomat tells Congress Trump wanted probe of Bidens, 2016 in return for Ukraine aid; As top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine testifies in impeachment inquiry, Trump calls the constitutional process "a lynching"; Top diplomat: EU ambassador warned of "stalemate" if Ukraine president "did not clear things up" on Biden probe; McConnell contradicts Trump, denies calling Ukraine call "perfect"; Sen. McConnell distances himself from Trump as top diplomat testifies Trump linked Ukraine aid to Biden probe; Anonymous Trump official behind NYT op-ed to release book; New CNN poll: Support for impeachment growing; Iowa republican: Impeachment is background noise; IA voters speak out on impeachment as CNN poll shows growing support for it; NYT: some dems "anxious," Looking for other 2020 candidates; NYT: Anxious dems ask: "Is there anyone else&q