Free Your Inner Guru

Dr Adit Margaliot: This is Your Brain on Self Care



Dr Adit Margaliot's journey as a medical doctor has been about questioning dogma, breaking away from stale patterns of thinking, and listening to one's inner wisdom. Dr Adit Margaliot is an MD who specialized in neurology and neuromuscular disorders. After years of listening to her patients struggle with their neurological conditions, and their sleep, she wanted to better understand this problem and how to help them manage it. She went on to study sleep medicine and obtain her designation as a specialist in the field. This was a start to her exploration of how lifestyle impacts health and disease. More recently she has been formally studying functional medicine, an approach that seeks to identify the core triggers and contributors to ill health on a systems-based approach, and how to allow the body to heal through nutrition, lifestyle, sleep, stress management etc. Incorporating these principles into her practice, and emphasizing a collaborative relationship with her patients, has brought a deep sense of e