State Of The Union With Jake Tapper

Interview with 2020 presidential candidate and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro on controversial comments from Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and his plans for slavery reparations; Interview with Texas Rep. Will Hurd on Presiden



First, Jake interviews 2020 presidential hopeful Julián Castro about divisions in the Democratic Party on reparations for slavery, the response to controversial comments by Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and a new CNN/Des Moines Register poll in Iowa. Next, Jake sits down with Texas Rep. Will Hurd on the President's national emergency declaration to build his border wall and his thoughts on his fellow Texan Beto O'Rourke's possible 2020 bid. Then, Jake interviews 2020 presidential contender and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee about his plans to combat climate change and his reflections on diversity and white male privilege in the Democratic Party. Plus, CNN gets a tour of The Daily Show's Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library. via Knit