Daniel Weiss Nutrition

Michelle Barton



Michelle Barton - Ultra-running Your Life 3 iTunes In this episode of the podcast I am with Michelle Barton, who is a successful ultra-runner. Michelle will share with you her mindset. How she thinks about challenges in life, how it relates to running, and her recipe for long-time happiness. We also discuss nutrition and diets, where Michelle shares her story about turning vegetarian and I share how I turned vegan. You will also receive tips on how to sustain on a vegan diet, but you can translate these tips to any area of life when it comes to creating a sustainable outcome. We also mention how Michelle sticks to listening to her body and how trains by feel. Connect with Michelle Facebook | Instagram @michellebarton  .et_bloom .et_bloom_optin_12 .et_bloom_form_content { background-color: #141414 !important