In Tha Name A' Gawd! - Irish Podcast

ING 06 - 'Revival in Indonesia', Darrel Stott, a revived pastor from Seattle, Washington, USA



Disillusioned with not seeing biblical results, Darrel Stott was about to resign after 27 years in ministry in Seattle, WA.  He was no longer enjoying his ministry and, before resigning to go into sales, accepted an offer from his dad to visit Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship as a last resort.    What happened to him there transformed his ministry and that of his fellow pastors and, eventually, led him into ministry in 20 different countries, including in the world's largest Muslim country, Indonesia - which, despite difficulties, is experiencing revival in recent years.   (Darrel Stott died in July 2016)     Darrel Stott website:     -----------------------   Includes NEWS from 'Bread NEWS International' and music from: Ross Moore, (Tennessee, USA) - 'The Hairy Chested Frog', (Road To Lisdoonvarna); Janet Bates, (Oregon, USA) - 'Let that rich man pay for a change', (For All of his Wealth); Simon