Junior Golf Blueprint

Ep #22 - Short Game "games"



Intro. Short game practice tips. Play against opponent using 2 balls each. Ball closest to the hole gets +2 and ball furthest from the hole gets -2. Whoever has the most points at the end wins. Also, try taking all your wedges to the green. Try hitting one shot with each wedge to target and then change location and restart. Putting tip. Play a game called bank. 3 different length putts. 4 footer is worth 1pt, 10 footer worth 2pt, and 20-30 footer is worth 5pt. Get a group of friends to play. Each time someone makes a putt that hole increases in value by that many points. First person to miss gets all the points in that hole and first to 21pts loses. Tips for parents. Don't focus on all the negative that's easy to find in golf. Let your child decide when they want to talk about it. Praise them more for the good things in the round and guide them to practice the things that will make them better. Quote about a child's success is not a product or parenting but their attitude is! --- This episode is sponsor