Foursquare Wuse District

Don't stop the Praise.



Date: 29 Dec, 2019 Preacher: Bro. Charles Nwevo Topic: Don't stop the Praise. Praise is an expression of our love and devotion. Praise is us responding to his presence. Praise should go beyond the sing that we sing and the words of our mouth. Praise should be a lifestyle. Psalm 148: 5. Jeremiah 45: 1 We should be faithful and pursue faithfulness Find God's plan and purpose for your life. And stay with it. Acts 16: 22. Let's praise that we will consistently depend on him That God will be our first option and only option. We need to change our whole mind-set to living our whole life for praise. In the scenario of Paul and Silas in the prison as they weren't praising God to save them but they were just praising God because of the privilege to be in such situation because of God. Daniel 3:13. Let's consistently depend on God, irrespective of what's happening. Staring at death and the fact that they will be burnt they still stood their ground trusting that the out some will be Good. Deut 31:8. Let's seek to