Lifelight Church

The One to Truly Fear



It seems to me that "a confession of a bully" is something of a trend. So here I go. My name is Dan and I am a bully. I have been a bully since I was five - going as far back as I can remember actually. You might find that hard to believe; a five year old bully, but believe me, it starts that early. My daughter's kindergarten class had bullies. There was even a "queen bee" - a totally sweet, totally manipulative, totally naughty little b... oh, wait, you mean you find it hard to believe that I was a bully. Well, thank you. Believe it or not, I was a bad, bad bully until I was in 5th grade - something happened, a story I might tell you on another day. We all have either been a bully or have been bullied; at school, work, playground, home and church. Yes, even at church. Religious bullying goes far back. In Luke 12, Jesus have been encountering a few. But He says don't be afraid of bullies, be afraid of God; don't be afraid of death, be afraid of what comes after death. It's an "either or" statement/question