Creative Conversational Marketing (audio)

Drift Chat Tutorial: Adjust Settings for the Phone Number Skill/Capture in...



Need some help with Drift or Conversational Marketing? Hop on over and learn more about what we do for companies just like yours: Here’s a link to the Conversational Marketing / Chatbot Template: Transcript: Today we're going to talk about how to fix the phone capture settings in drift so that you don't get errors in your chat bot flows. So the solution is quite easy and drift came out with this feature to allow for us to widen the gamut of potential phone number or formats because not everyone's in the US and there's a lot of other opportunities out there. So when we're in a playbook, you're going to be able to adjust some settings to make it so that opens it up for everyone. And I'm going to show you how to do that right now. So when you jump into a bot playbook, you're going to find the ability to add a phone number, capture, or if you already have it in your tool, you'll be able to see the skill phone capture. Now, from there, what you need to do is you ne