Joyce Barrie & Friends

Develop Your Psychic Abilities - featuring Ted Ciuba PhD



You live in a new world when you discover how to tune into the quantum "hologram" and see, feel, hear, and know the past, present, and future. Today’s guest, Ted Ciuba, PhD, high initiate of several esoteric schools (secret societies), shares the 5 simple steps to unlocking your psychic abilities. You heard that right… You, and everybody, possesses latent abilities that the culture and your upbringing crusted over, but which can be reopened. And with attentiveness, it’s not that hard to do. A heightened sensitivity to the holographic realm allows you to… Open your inner sight and gain an "unfair advantage" in your social and business relationsGet guidance and instruction, warning and protection, insights on the present, and prophetic visions of the futurePlug into a life of flow and synchronicity on a regular basis - not just at random, uncontrollable timesAwaken your healing powers, your creativity, and your spiritual life Check out Ciuba's website at Tune in, see the unseen, cha