Rosewood Church Sermons

Lessons From The Poor Widow (Part 2)



LESSONS FROM A POOR WIDOW Mark 12:41-44 1. The Lord sees what you and I give. – Verse 41 2. The Lord is more concerned about whether or not our giving is actually a sacrifice than He is concerned about the dollar amount given. – Verses 41-44 3. The widow’s example teaches us to not hold back anything from God. – Verse 42 4. When we give, we are showing our faith and trust in the Lord to meet our own needs. – Verses 42-44 5. It is possible that the Lord sees your beautiful spirit of giving as more important than you realize. – Verses 41-44 6. You and I need to learn the importance of generous and sacrificial giving just as Jesus’ disciples needed to learn this truth. - Verse 43