Defending Employers: Audio From Lois Llc, Workers' Compensation Defense Attorneys

Episode 113: Appeals and Reopeners in New Jersey Workers' Compensation



Attorney Greg Lois leads a discussion on appeals (very quickly) and reopeners (most of the presentation). This presentation focuses on the practical approach to bringing reopener cases to closure (or avoiding them altogether!) This audio is from a live webinar provided to clients on February 24, 2020. * * When to appeal decisions of New Jersey Workers' Compensation trial courts. * Strategic and tactical impact of appeal on New Jersey workers' compensation claims. * Overview of Application for Review or Modification of Formal Award claims ("ReOpeners"). * Practical ways to bring reopener claims to closure. * Discovery and litigation strategy specific to reopener claims. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions. Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register here: Register Archive of prior presentations is here. Schedules and Information. Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim