

If you’ve ever wanted to feel grounded, safer, more secure, or even a little bit more at peace during this time, then do we have the shine bright show for you. Today we’ll talk about choosing the upper room, finding a higher place, expanding versus contracting, and look at how in the world to get back to positivity even when there is a pandemic around. Key Points Discussed: Hot sauces: The greatest gift one can give to Michael (03:39) The hotter a pepper is, the more it gets the metabolism going and boosts the immunity  (05:14) Being grateful and positive despite the ups and downs (08:16) Being an ambassador of love and light amidst a wave of loss of innocence and a way of life (12:02) The fear between lack of control and a total unknown that people are feeling right now (14:24) Tirelessly doing lots of training videos to help out a friend and ascribing meaning to things that may not necessarily have meaning (18:06) Going to a place of nothingness, noticing the silliness of everything, and unplugging from it