Radhaa Nilia

Mars Goes Direct: Go Time!



Soul retrieval is going to cost you the loss of your (false) life. Your immortality lives in your fearless surrender to infinite (ego) deaths. Over the next couple of weeks we will experience the sharp turn of Mars as a slow unveiling of all of the work we’ve accomplished and self-sabotaging patterns we have identified. Think of this time as the processing for you ego upgrades. Mars is the planet of ego assertion, and now we must realign our ego-identity to the more authentic self that we have recovered. Some of the “same” situations from July and August might (re)appear in order for us to see them from our evolved perspective. Respond differently-this is your medicine and your task. We will also see the stamina and strength that we have been cultivating over the past two months of meeting challenges and psychologically breaking ourselves free from outdated patterns. Be bold and radical in your assertion to live from your true self. Evolutionary Astrologer: www.SarahPasch.com