Films For Thought

Capote: When A Landmark Hides Their Inner Pain



This review has been coming for a long time, and in the process, I've come to understand that despite the film Capote centering on Truman Capote, who was a writer of many great fictional works, with his most famous, or in the case of this film, infamous work, "In Cold Blood," which is a nonfictional account, centering around the horrific Klutter family murders which occurred in November of 1959, where four members of a small-town family were brutally murdered.  In the wake of this horrific tragedy, the town was not only shaken up, but utterly traumatized beyond any reasonable conception of comprehending what had taken place, given how isolated and average the setting was that, the idea of something so gruesome and at first sight, so nihilistic occurring just seemed beyond the realm of rational comprehension.   From a simple glance at a New York Times article, Truman Capote decided to venture into the small town as a means of further exploring the utter bizarreness that defined what any other setting