Greetings From Allentown

162. WWF Heat 04-01-2001 (WrestleMania X-7 Pre-show)



The end of the Attitude Era is coming soon but there is time for one last hurrah in advance of WrestleMania X-7 with this edition of WWF Sunday Night Heat from April 1, 2001! - How Rock-Austin is so good it makes people think positively about Limp Bizkit - Big events in the Houston Astrodome - Why you should NOT feel bad for Linda McMahon watching her husband make out with Trish Stratus - Capt. Lou Albano checks in from NYC actually sober - Recaps of the events leading to many of the WM17 matches: Regal-Jericho, Benoit-Angle, Chyna-Ivory, - Why the rivalry of the three teams in TLC II endures - An actual WrestleMania pre-show match! Plus: - Original commercials from 2001: plugs for music aplenty - Life in quarantine getting drive thru beer - Some perspective on the length of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign - YouTube Comment Theater Email: Twitter: