Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Authentic Frequency & Throat Activation (Healing Transmission)



This is an authentic frequency activation. In this transmission we clear out and connect your heart, throat and third eye so that you can activate your truth. In this energy healing session you'll activate your throat chakra and authentic frequency so you can speak your truth.  Your authentic frequency is your uniqueness, your power, your creativity, your TRUTH.  This meditation will activate your truth so that you have the courage and strength to know, see, speak and act on your truth. You'll dissolve old programming and conditioning that might have blocked you from your truth.    During the meditation you'll be clearing a lot of energy, many reported yawning and coughing during the healing which is perfectly normal, it's a form of energy clearing!  Please be sure to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated to support you in clearing and integrating energy. This is a powerful one! I recommend doing this meditation 3 days in a row and coming back to it every few weeks. If you'd like to