Greetings From Allentown

166. WWF Superstars 05-02-1987 (Heenan/Patera Debate)



It’s a mildly historic TV taping for this episode of the WWF Superstars of Wrestling from May 2, 1987! - Bobby Heenan faces Ken Patera in a debate: a comprehensive analysis - As Brutus Beefcake debuts his barber gimmick, Johnny V makes a tactical error - Randy Savage in the middle of his “most interesting man in the world” campaign - The final Adrian Adonis match in the WWF - Trying to figure out why Tom Zenk always looked dead inside - The bizarre way in which Dan Spivey became a WWF heel - Finding something for Outback Jack to do: promote ice cream bars - A pair of rants: one against the most useless state in the union, and another for that smug prick John Stossel Email: Twitter: