Kettlebrook West Bend

Forgiveness: Matthew 18:21-35



Questions for Reflection: 1. Have you ever had to forgive someone? What was that like? Was it easy or hard for you to do? Why? 2. Why do you think forgiveness is so hard to do? Why do you think it is so essential for us to ‘grow up?’ 3. What happens when people refuse to forgive? Is there anything gained? 4. Read Matthew 18:21-35. Have someone retell the parable in their own words. What does it tell us about God? About ourselves? 5. If Matthew 18:21-35 is true, what are we supposed to do about it? 6. Is there any area of my life where I have been harmed, wounded or abused that I have not fully dealt with? 7. Have I forgiven the perpetrators of my abuse? If someone were to look at my soul today would they find fresh wounds or healed scarring?