Kettlebrook West Bend

The Resurrection, Mark 16:1-15



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What memories of Resurrection Sunday do you have from your past? What traditions, if any, have played a role in your life with respect to this holiday? 2. Three approaches to the resurrection were suggested today. The approach of the skeptic, the sinner and the scared. Which of these (or perhaps another approach) best describes how you approach the resurrection of Jesus? Why is this the case? 3. Read Mark 9:31-32 and Mark 10:33-34. If Jesus said these words to his disciples, why do you think they weren’t running to the tomb themselves on the third day? 4. Read Mark 16:1-8. Peter appears to receive a word of grace after his denying Jesus. What words of grace do you need to hear in your life? How can Jesus speak grace into your heart and life? 5. In both verse 7 and verse 15 of Mark chapter 16, Jesus’ followers are told to go and share the good news. If you are a follower, do you? If not, what keeps you from doing so? 6. How can the resurrection of Jesus