Kettlebrook West Bend

Free from Separation, Romans 8:28-38



Questions for reflection/discussion: 1. The very circumstances that cause us to doubt God’s love are God’s loving way to make us like Jesus – agree/disagree? Why? 2. What are other examples in Scripture where God used suffering to make his people more like Jesus? 3. Share a time in your life that you suffered and didn’t understand why? Share in hindsight what God did in you during that time. Share also how you had to depend upon God during that time and how you were ‘not separated from his love.’ 4. Verse 30 talks about a progression: predestined to called to justified to glorified – what does all this say about God? What should be our hearts response? Why? 5. What on a regular basis can help you remember God’s cosmic plan (string example) and that he’s working out his purpose in your life even when you can’t see it? 6. What is one thing God is saying to you? What will you do as a result?