Kettlebrook West Bend

Gospel Speaking, Ephesians 4:29



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Based on your life experiences, when you hear the phrase “unwholesome talk” what comes to mind for you and why? 2. Read Ephesians chapters 4 and 5. Identify every time Paul is concerned with our words or what we say. Why do you think Paul brings this up so often? 3. If you did a self-assessment with respect to Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:29, what would you conclude as to how you are doing? Would others agree? 4. Which of the three “levels” of speaking discussed today do you find yourself operating in most often? Why is this the case? What steps could you take to move towards the third level? Who can help you with this? 5. It was stated that “When our words are not wholesome, it’s because we are not whole.” When you use “unwholesome” words, in what ways are you not whole? 6. How can the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ specifically speak grace into your answer to question #5? If you are discussing in a group, the group might be able to do th