Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Youth in Ham Radio feat. N0SSC



It seems everywhere we turn, there is a discussion on how to bring the youth into the Ham Radio Hobby.  We act as though young people all over the Earth are devoid of any desire to operate an Amateur Radio.  While there may be what some would consider a downturn in today's youths public participation in Ham Radio-the number of licensed Ham Radio Operators continues to climb. Don't fret y'all, Youngsters are still getting on the air! Sterling Coffey and I met at Hamvention 2016.  I recognized his call, N0SSC, from Twitter long before I knew his name.  We had a nice chat, and over the course of the weekend he came by the booth to drop in and say hello a few times. Upon returning home, I noticed on the every busy Twitter, that Sterling was taking a trip-a Ham Radio Excursion.  It appeared to be quite a surprise trip so I followed along.  It didn't take long to learn that he was headed to Austria to attend the YOTA Summit!  No little short green aliens here-this was the real deal-Sterling had just become an off