Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio: National Parks On The Air/SOTA with KB1HQS



Ham Radio: National Parks On The Air/SOTA with KB1HQS Stuart Thomas, KB1HQS, grew up a Ham's kid and decided he wanted to be a part of his dads hobby not too long ago.  An avid outdoors-man, Stuart enjoys hiking and portable operations.  He mixes those two with his NPOTA and SOTA activation's.   In this show, Stuart tells us all about the Ins and Outs of NPOTA! From the ARRL Website: Throughout 2016, Amateur Radio will be helping the National Park Service celebrate their 100th anniversary. Hams from across the country will activate NPS units, promote the National Park Service and showcase Amateur Radio to the public. Links: Main ARRL NPOTA Page: http://www.arrl.org/npota NPOTA Rules: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/On%20the%20Air/NPOTA/ARRL-NPOTA-Rules-V3.pdf Leader Board, Site Lookup, Site Registration: https://npota.arrl.org/index.php SOTA/NPOTA Overlays: http://www.spinmap.com/npota-sota/map.html My Personal NPOTA Page: http://preparedassociates.com/national-parks-air/ My NPOTA YouTube Videos: https://w