Understanding Christianity

400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dort Introduction



In honor of the 400th anniversary of the Synod of Dort, Dr. Sean Cole begins a new summer series exploring the history and theology behind the Canons of Dort (otherwise known as the Five Points of Calvinism). In this introductory podcast, he gives an overview of the history of the Dutch Reformed church and the controversy between the Arminian Remonstrants and the Calvninists. He then proceeds to delve into the first articles of Section One: Predestination. Check out Sean's new book "Your Identity in the Trinity: Discovering God's Grace in the Gospel" at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Identity-Trinity-Discovering-Gospel/dp/153267385X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CSYQ85L0M84X&keywords=sean+cole+trinity&qid=1561998526&s=gateway&sprefix=Sean+Cole+%2Caps%2C266&sr=8-1