Understanding Christianity




In Revelation 10, John sees a mighty angel, possibly Gabriel. We briefly jump out of Revelation and discuss the Man of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2. This mighty angel commands John to "eat" God's Word which is both sweet and bitter. What is the application for us? When we preach the gospel to God’s elect who are not yet Christian, they receive it with joy and get saved. (the aroma of Christ) When we preach the gospel to the lost who won’t become Christians, they are offended and repulsed by it. (the fragrance of death) This makes us at times feel weak and inadequate in sharing the gospel (who is sufficient?) We should never water down the truth in order to pacify the hostile culture (peddle God’s Word) The Word of God cuts both ways: To the saved, the Word is glorious, beautiful and a treasure To the lost, the Word is foolish, offensive, and brings judgment. www.seancole.net