Greetings From Allentown

169. WWF Superstars 07-22-1989 (Dusty Rhodes arrives)



Back in the comfort zone of late 80s WWF with a look at Superstars from July 22, 1989! - Dusty Rhodes makes the scene and foils the Bossman and Slick, then discusses “Hard Times” with Brother Love - Rick Martel’s Dance Party - Andre the Giant: reduced to being a sock on the door knob - Jesse Ventura coming in hot with thoughts on “King” Jim Duggan leads to discussion of a US Supreme Court case - Comparing the crowing in the Red Rooster theme to a similar one from a Gap Band song - How Ax (Bill Eadie) came to be considered underrated - The usual Jesse and Vince bickering, such as Ventura wondering how McMahon has avoided jail time - Why comparing Rick Rude’s IC title run to others preceding him is a fool’s errand Email: Twitter: