Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Paul Trueman and the Just Giving campaign for Helen Titchener.



We interview Paul Trueman about the Just Giving campaign for Helen Titchener. https://www.justgiving.com/helentitchener Podcast guest this week is Paul Trueman, a 10 year listener, who was "switched on" to the real life abuse suffered by Helen Walmsley-Johnson writing in the New Statesman together with Helen Titchener's failure to get an afternoon out with Henry (which is lucky as no steam railways are running midweek at this time of year - so he would not have had a ride). Paul set up a "Rescue Helen" fund on Just Giving with the money raised going to Refuge. At the time of writing the fund is close to £50000 in just over a week. Lucy is enjoying Brian at present - particularly when Lilian extended her residence at Home Farm in front of Justin. Brian has not got a leg to stand on and Jenny is exerting her dominance over Brian! Is she abusing him? The entertainment factor was lifted by the return of Kate who has no control of her budget. Lucy admitted to being drugged up - on painkillers and... &