Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 84 – The aftermath



DumTeeDum opened with a recording from the DTD get together at the weekend where many podcast listeners gathered and both Lucy and Roifield recalled various encounters and non-encounters during the evening. Apparently even some lurkers were outed - and must now call in. Ruth's constant moaning is getting everyone down - especially the way that Jill is being used by the family - at 85! Lucy attributes it to misguided guilt - but I reckon it is just mis-use of the character. Yes Ruth deserves some sympathy - but she needs to get involved and talk to David - it works both ways. Comparisons of Ruth's behaviour to Rob are also growing, particularly over her lack of loyalty to David. Speakpipe is working again. Lucy thanked all the DumTeeDummers for their excellent online behaviour - all the best listeners are here. And it appears that they are all extremely glamorous as well - just as well I was not there! Lucy was obviously still feeling delicate - no alcohol this week - just water and tea! Millie provided...