Nightclub Security | The Nightclub And Bar Security Resource For Bouncers, Owners, & Managers

Ep. 002 - Nightclub and Bar Security Civil Liability Part 1



In this week’s show, Robert C. Smith and Manny Marquez discuss the important topic of Nightclub and Bar Civil Liability, a topic that many of us don't think about until we are in the midst of a lawsuit or litigation. Just a reminder before listening in - Robert C. Smith and Manny Marquez are NOT attorneys.  The information they share in the podcast is general advice and shouldn't replace specific, state and venue specific legal advice.  In the event you need legal advice or help, please a professional in your area. Liability – What is it and how can it effect you? Bottom line, liability affects everyone in the nightclub and bar industry - owners, operators, managers, bartenders, bouncers, security, kitchen staff, and everyone in between.  If you own a bar or work at a bar, you need to be thinking about civil liability and taking measures to protect yourself.  Attorneys, insurance providers, law enforcement professionals, and other stakeholders will also benefit from the important information covered in today'