Chai Chats Podcast

S04E02: White Psychosis



Malek and Parneet speak about white supremacy and colonization as the riots in Minneapolis and throughout the US and Canada take place in justice of George Floyd, and other unarmed and innocent black folks getting killed. We decided to meet each other exactly where we're at and make space for what showed up. This is a conversation that is deeply rooted in a courageous, compassionate call for non-Black people of colour like ourselves to do what we can and to do better. What you'll hear is a passionately, painfully real conversation on how we're showing up for ourselves, for the people we're in relationship with and for the movement to respect/honour/celebrate Black life. We go deep on decolonizing ourselves and divesting from the psychosis that is white supremacy. We look at white supremacy through the lens of psychosis, as an illness of the mindbdysoul's disconnection from reality, and how to navigate and survive these deadly forces that pull us towards fear, hatred and disembodiment. Support us: https://www