As Told By Nomads

089: Understanding Your Blind Spots And Brain Types with Michael Cooper



Michael Cooper is a business coach and facilitator with over 15 years of work with some of the most innovative and influential people on the planet. From years in software development building the first internet car ordering system to the first wireless web platform that enables everything on your smartphones today, to managing one of the very first user experience teams, to coaching TED Fellows in India, to coaching one of the Top 50 designers and advising one of the top 50 innovative companies in America for the past 12 years, he understands innovators and influencers. He knows how we think, how we process information, what motivates us, what our greatest fears are and what we naturally avoid and ignore (blind spots) when running a team or a business. He uses the secrets he’s learned coaching executives and training leaders in companies like Sony, Wells Fargo, Southwest Airlines, Novell and others to help small and medium-sized business thrive, find what lights them up and turn it into a lucrative, fun... &