Understanding Christianity

Is SBC Provisionism Semi-Pelagianism?



SBC Provisionists believe that the gospel appeal is God's sufficient grace to enable a sinner to use his or her libertarian free will to respond positively. They deny total inability as a fallen condition from birth inherited from Adam. Is this understanding of the human will "Semi-Pelagian?" Dr. Sean Cole gives a historical overview from Augustine to Luther, to Arminius, to the Canons of Dort, up the modern-day to show how both Calvinists and Arminians have defined both semi-Pelagianism and Pelagianism. To your suprise, many of their arguments against these views come very close to what Provisionists believe today. Dr. Cole attempts to be fair and not mischaracaterize Provisionism. He dives into some historical documents by key theologians to ask the question: "Is Provisionism Semi-Pelagianism?" Listen and find out his conclusions. www.seancole.net