Greetings From Allentown

173. WWF Superstars 05-07-1988



Some things are just a little off with this rather peculiar edition of WWF Superstars from May 7, 1988! - Vince McMahon starts the show by making zero sense about upcoming events at the venue - Randy Savage not having to be someone's sidekick - Bobby Heenan introduces a third Islander in High Chief Afi, who got tatted up - Hulk Hogan has some strange things to say on the topic of race - Saying hello to Steve Blackman and goodbye to Outback Jack - How the Jake Roberts/Rick Rude feud would have been different in the modern era - A detailed look at the real estate listing for Ted DiBiase's Mississippi home - Recapping all of Hillbilly Jim's title opportunities in the WWF - Bret Hart getting cheers for the first time - The probable reason for the off-brand event center and interview area - Email: Twitter: