Greetings From Allentown

179. Mid-South Wrestling 11-14-1985 (DiBiase vs Flair)



Ric Flair makes a rare appearance at the Irish McNeil Boys Club to face the challenge of a battered Ted DiBiase on the November 14, 1985 edition of Mid-South Wrestling! - The simple but beautiful angle that leads to the hated DiBiase become a beloved fan favorite again - The ironic help that Ric Flair uses in the quest to take out challengers - Wrestling angles repeating with the same guy invovled - The strange rotation of Mid-South announcer teams - Two things Bill Watts has in common with Howard Cosell - A bandage somehow makes a cut on Jim Duggan's head look worse - The fan who wrote a fawning letter to Eddie Gilbert and the power of internet info - Wait, Oliver Humperdink is here??? - Jim Ross plugs an appealing match for the show that doesn't happen. Email: Twitter: