Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Revealing the Truth of You ~ Guest, Suzanne Stauffer



Rock the Motherload Radio Show with Rhonda Burns Continuing the month of April theme, Rhonda is sharing her "Not-so- secret weapons of change agents". These amazing women have talents and abilities that have assisted Rhonda tremendously in her journey of life, as well as helping countless others. These agents of change are coming forward to share their special gifts with you, and may they inspire you to seek greater for yourself, as well as invite you to contribute your own special talents and capacities more dynamically to the world.  Suzanne Stauffer is a Guide, Truth Teller, and Soul Revealer (that is to say--she gets you). She can help you dust off your soul’s truth, and unveil the most authentic, magical, and abundant YOU you’ve ever imagined. Suzanne’s experience working with hundreds of entrepreneurs, paired with her certification and training as a psychic, personal trainer, health coach, and accountant, equates to over 20 years of diverse experience, perspective, and a “Why didn’t I think of that?”-ty