Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Seducing the Sweet Spot of You ~ Rhonda Burns



Have you ever been truly seduced? Have you ever been willing to seduce YOU to the degree that would turn you on, light you up and supercharge your body and your life? Do you know what your “sweet spot” is in this life? Do you know what you’re capable of? Well, whether your answers are yes, or no, or hell no, I invite you in to this delicious conversation as we awaken and enliven everything we possibly can in this hour. I wonder what your life will be like when you choose to seduce the sweet spot of you? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but