Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Can Being A Potty Mouth Change The World? ~ Rhonda Burns



Do you cringe when you hear people use language that’s other than pristine? Do you find yourself judging them, or shutting down from listening to anything they have to say after you hear something offensive or foul coming out of their mouth? Have you ever been judged by the language you use? Would you be willing to come play with me this week as we explore this fascinating and fun topic? Let’s see what limitations and beliefs we can annihilate so that we all have way more freedom with the words we use! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but