Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

What Does “Having Your Back” Really Mean? ~ Rhonda Burns



Heard the term "Having Your Back"? Or, "The Universe/money/has your back". Do you have a clue what it is, or means? Have you actually ever experienced it, or been that for yourself and others? Having not actually had the full knowledge and awareness of the scope of what was truly possible with it until not too long ago, I felt it was high time to really dig into the subject and invite you into the fullness of it. It's life-changing. No, like for real. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and truth of themselves, but provides the catalyzing energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed the atom bomb of consciousness and an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME!