Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Is Lying To & Denying You Really Working For You? ~ Rhonda Burns



Let’s be honest, none of us likes or wants to publicly or openly  admit to anyone that we actually lie to or deny ourselves, but we do it every single day! What’s that actually creating in our lives? What’s that setting us up for? Freedom and ease? Or something quite the contrary? What if… by actually taking a look from a really playful space, simply asking questions and clearing all the hidden “stuff” we find, by actually shining light on those secret spaces of limitation, lies and denials that are sticking us, we can actually address what IS and change what you’d like to? FAST. You’re invited to come take a wild ride on the fun bus with Rhonda Burns as she unearths hidden lies and secret agendas, so that we can all have greater possibility and greater choice when it comes to being here as the potent, unapologetic magnificent forces we are all here to be. Come tap into Rhonda’s presence, non-judgment, enthusiasm, unbridled energy and her ability to energize and catalyze you in very short order. And she’ll eq