Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

The Brilliance Beyond Addiction with GUEST: Marilyn Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW



What have you decided is not possible? Is it living without your addiction or obsession? What if there was a brilliance that you be that is beyond any addiction? Have you ever found yourself saying: “I can’t live with (alcohol, food, cigarettes, my partner etc.), but I can’t live without it/them? This either/or universe seems to trap many of us. It is actually what creates the belief that there is no way out of an addiction. As real as this may seem right now, there is a different way. There is a way of being and looking at things that allows you to come to a place of peace and choice and even brilliance. Join Heather Nichols and Marilyn M. Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW in a very different conversation about being and addiction! Marilyn Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW, is an international speaker, psychotherapist and teacher who has worked in the field of addiction for over twenty years. She is the creator of “Right Recovery For You”, a radical and unique approach to ending any addictive or compulsive behavior. It was