Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

From Anxiety to AWEsomeness with Glenyce Hughes



Join Heather Nichols for an interview with special guest, Glenyce Hughes, on how she transformed crippling anxiety into a life of joy, abundance, and travel.  In 2002, Glenyce began to struggle with panic attacks that became so intense that she couldn’t be in a car for longer than 10 minutes.  This propelled her into an exploration of every healing modality she could get her hands on, until 2011 when she found Access Consciousness and created permanent change. Glenyce now travels the world with ease, joy and glory! How does it get any better than that? Glenyce Hughes is an Inspirational Author, Speaker, Professional Medium, Radio Host and Facilitator of Infinite Possibilities. She empowers you to live your phenomenal life as she guides you to tap into your true potency, potential and all the amazing infinite possibilities. A true luminary, sheʼs inspired thousands around the world through her radio shows, writing, classes, tele- calls, groups, and individual sessions. For more information go online www.glenyc