Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Living Your Brilliance with Heather Nichols



Living your brilliance is the willingness to be the walking, talking, breathing possibility that you be–that you can invite others to be–by simply being you.  When you are willing to continually perceive and choose new, exciting, and sometimes uncomfortable & edgy choices that may be unfamiliar to you, your life, your possibilities, and the expression of your brilliance expands.  When you are willing to choose based on the colors of a vastly greater palette of colors than you ever imagined before, you begin to live the vibrant, sometimes surprising, and out of the box reality that brings you to greater and greater places and spaces of brillance. Join Heather for this dynamic conversation of what can show up when you are willing to get messy, uncomfortable, and to create your life in a way that you never have been willing to before.