Roy Tubbs

Getting What We Don’t Deserve GODS ENDLESS GRACE



“Death has come up into our windows, it has entered our palaces, to cut off the children from the streets and the young men from the squares.” (Jeremiah 9:20) Catastrophes have always touched people’s lives. With these words, the prophet Jeremiah addressed a disaster of his time, centuries before the common era. Have you ever taken a second to look back at the story of Jesus and really think about what that meant for our lives? Like really… I mean really… thought about the impact of what Jesus did on the cross so many centuries ago? Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God’s perfect gift is free. We did nothing to earn or deserve it, but he willingly and graciously gives us the gift of eternal life and so much more. This verse gives me a sense of peace and freedom because his grace is always constant, never fading and never changing. I encourage you to remind yourself frequently of the story of Jesus