Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Sugar Plum Fairies, Fantasies & Myths – OH MY! ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show Do you have a fantasy of having the "perfect" pet?  Or what the "perfect" relationship with your pet should look like?  Where have you gotten your stories of what pet-parenting or pet-ownership is, or is supposed to be?  Have you ever looked at that?  Fantasies can be fun - and make for great movies - and yet - how much do fantasies and myths really allow you to have an authentic, congruent connection with your animals?  I see a lot of people trying to create their relationships with their animals from fantasy and myth more than from what is actually possible with their animals - and this week, I am inviting us to change that.  Are you in? * Special Offer * from Dr. Andi ~ Sign Up for your Pawsitive Possibilities Subscription and receive your FIRST TWO MONTHS AS A GIFT from Dr. Andi!  ~  http://bit.ly/PawsitivePossibilitiesSignUp  Get more out of every episode of Dr. Andi's World with the audio clearing loops and pdf of the clearings from Dr. Andi - every month.  And all for just $