Wilde About Wellbeing

The Little Known Universal Laws That Will Change Your Life - Part 1



There are twelve universal laws, which we are able to use in all areas of our lives. They may seem unscientific, a little ‘woo woo’, but many are based within science. I’m sharing the first six of them, and asking you to have an open mind. It doesn’t matter if you come to the point of disbelieving the universal laws, believing some but not others. What matters is that you are willing to consider whether they might be applicable in your life. You can be both skeptical and open-minded. In science, we accept that there are things we do not understand. It’s the same with the universal laws: we get to choose to regard them as unproven, rather than as false. We make that choice. Here are the first six of laws, as I understand them, and with some ways in which I see them crop up in my own life.   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE!   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: